October, 26

Reading and Gratitude

As a group of educators and parents, we know that supporting a child in their reading development significantly impacts their understanding of the world. Reading opens the door to so much, including empathy, helping children learn about different perspectives and fostering gratitude for the life that surrounds them. Kids can identify with similar characters, feeling connected to their stories or life experiences. When meeting a character who has a different background, kids can learn new ideas and ways of living; nurturing empathy and a greater understanding of others.

By fostering a love for reading and teaching children the art of gratitude, we can provide them with tools needed to become thoughtful, appreciative, and empathetic lifelong learners. We can work together to inspire young minds to embrace the beauty of books and warmth of gratitude.

Here are a few ways to connect reading and gratitude to positively impact a child’s life:

Discuss Gratitude in stories, in life: When reading with children, take time to discuss moments in stories where characters express gratitude. This helps connect the concept of gratitude and its importance in real life. Teaching kiddos to be grateful can help them focus on good things in their life, even when facing challenges.

Keep a Gratitude Journal: Perhaps you can stack the habit of reading with the habit of journaling. After a reading session, kiddos can jot down three things they are thankful for. It could be as simple as a sunny day, a yummy dinner, or sharing a toy. This simple practice reinforces the idea that gratitude is a valuable part of their lives.

Express Gratitude: Create opportunities for children to express gratitude by writing thank-you notes, or telling someone how much they appreciate them. Taking time to express gratitude to people who have made a positive impact on their lives benefits all.

Gratitude Jar: Keep a jar where you can drop notes of gratitude whenever something positive happens. At the end of the year, read through them to relive those moments. This is a great way to reflect and appreciate the bright spots from the year.

Gratitude Walks: During a walk, take some time to appreciate your surroundings, the beauty of nature, and the simple joys of being in the moment.

Family Gratitude Ritual: Create gratitude rituals within your family unit. During a shared meal or at bedtime, take turns sharing something or someone you are thankful for. This can promote a sense of togetherness and positivity, as well as connection for all.

Need more inspiration for gratitude? Here are a few books you can find in the Rally Reader bookstore about gratitude:

Thank You, Mr. Panda By Steve Antony

A Kids Book About Gratitude By Ben Kenyon

Give Thanks: You Can Reach Out and Spread Joy! By Naomi Shulman, Illustrated by Hsinping Pin


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